Tuesday 16 April 2013

Exchange 2007: PowerShell - Query Mailbox Sizes

A useful Exchange PowerShell script to list mailbox sizes and databases, sorted by size.

Get-MailboxStatistics | sort-object Database, TotalItemSize -Descending | ft DisplayName, @{expression={$_.TotalItemSize.Value.ToMB()};label="TotalItemSize(MB)"}, Database -autosize

Exchange 2007: PowerShell - Query Mailbox Last Logon Time

A useful Exchange PowerShell script to list the last logon time for mailboxes, sorted by date.

Get-MailboxStatistics | Select-Object DisplayName, LastLogonTime | Sort LastLogonTime

VMware ESXi 4.1: Change Bash Prompt To Display Hostname

To change the bash prompt of an ESXi host to display the hostname

SSH to the host
change directory to /etc
vi profile and append the following two lines:


export PS1="`grep ${HOSTNAME} /etc/hosts | awk '{print $2}' |cut -d. -f1`> "

Sunday 7 April 2013

VMware vSphere 4.1 Client: Installation Error - Microsoft Visual J# 2.0 Second Edition Installer Error Code 4121

Microsoft Visual J# 2.0 Second Edition installer returned error code '4121' error message is displayed when installing VMware vSphere Client 4.1 on Windows 8 x64.

To resolve, download and install Microsoft Visual J# 2.0 Redistributable Package – Second Edition (x64) first.


Then run the vSphere Client installer with Windows 7 compatibility:

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Avaya IP Office: Hide Outgoing Caller ID Per User

To hide the outgoing caller ID on a per user basis create a new short code within the users ShortCodes tab in IP Office Manager with the following settings:

Code: ?
Feature: Dial
Telephone Number: .W
Line Group ID: 0